b'GENERAL INFORMATION FEATURESThe ParkUSA Stormtrooper Model SWAQ is a patented stormwater quality systemBest Value BMPspecifically designed for sensitive environments. It removes sediments and oilLarger Effective Area (EA) from stormwater runoff. The SWAQ was originally designed for the EdwardsTreatmentAquifer, meeting all requirements for this sensitive aquifer recharge zones. Low Profile DesignThe unit consists of a separator with internal flow control. LEED CompliantThe Edwards Aquifer, located in South Central Texas, is one of the greatest naturalEnhanced Gravity Separation resources of artesian aquifers in the world. It serves as the primary source of waterUtilizing CMP Technologyfor over two million people. Because the aquifer is highly permeable and has rapidTexas Manufacturedrecharge and discharge, the aquifer produces large quantities of water. However,Third Party Tested by SwRIthis phenomenon makes the aquifer highly vulnerable to contamination whereit is exposed at the surface in the recharge zone. The ParkUSA StormtrooperSustainable management of water quality is imperative if future generations Model SWAQ is a patented hope to enjoy this natural resource. Stormwater runoff collects pollutants likestormwater quality system trash, debris and oil dumping them directly into the stormwater drainage system.specifically designed forUntil recently, stormwater runoff was left untreated with no protection fromsensitive environments.pollutants entering the aquifer, public waterways, streams, rivers and lakes.It removes sediments andoil from stormwater runoff.The StormTrooper AQ is a patented stormwater wet vault specifically designedThe SWAQ was originally to intercept free oils, grease, TSS, debris and other pollutants found in stormwaterdesigned for the Edwards Aquifer, runoff. StormTrooper AQ features Enhanced Gravity Separation which ismeeting all requirements for this technology utilizing coalescing media plates engineered to a performancesensitive aquifer recharge zones. prediction based on Stokes Law. This cutting-edge technology is now available The unit consists of a separator for use to protect the Edwards Aquifer for future generations. with internal flow control.OPERATIONUntreated storm water enters the Grit Chamber on the inlet side of the StormTrooper AQ. Larger particles, as well as semi buoyant material, are captured in this chamber to prevent excessive clogging and obstruction of the frontalarea of the coalescing media plates. This process also reduces the potential forshort circuiting and higher velocities through the plates. The diffusion baffle,which separates the two chambers, works to perform two vital functions. First,it distributes flow evenly through the entire cross-section of the unit allowing for a more uniform delivery of pollutants through the plate. Next, a water quality orifice regulates flow through the plates and lower section of unit to prevent re-suspension of pollutants. Each StormTrooper has a specific maximum flow rate that has been pre-calibrated. Higher flow rates by-pass the system once the pre-calibrated flow rates are exceeded.Coalescing Media Plates: A submerged oil/floatable baffle is located around the effluent pipe to allow for the capture and containment of these pollutants. Collected pollutants will remain in the interceptor until removal. Because no filter cartridges are required operating costs are minimal. Furthermore, the StormTrooper AQ System has no moving parts substantially reducing maintenance costs. As stormwater pollutants travel through the CMP (coalescing media plate pack) oil rises to the top and solids drop to the bottom through dedicated surfaces and weep holes. Plate supports at the bottom allow for easy removal of the solids that collect beneath the plates. Because of the steep angles and short travel distances, oils and solids are quickly released eventually floatingto the surface of the StormTrooper unit or settling to the bottom of the unit. 94'