b'LT ENGINEERINGCATALOGSYSTEM COMPONENTSThe ParkUSA DeconTank Series is manufactured ofThe tank shall be electronically monitored to ensure tank Class II 4500 PSI precast concrete. Pre-casting the concreteintegrity; primary tank fill level including 50 percent andshell insures that all units achieve structural and physical95 percent full and secondary leak detection.uniformity. The units are structurally engineered forInspection access covers shall be provided to permit means H-20 truck loading and can be buried without any need of taking a water sample to be analyzed prior to removal. for any other structural protection. The unit is of monolithicCovers shall be traffic duty, watertight and be lockable. construction to insure against joint leakage with an interiorCovers to be affixed with a permanent label indicating liner of composite or stainless steel. The exterior is coatedDecontamination Tank, size and manufacturer.with Bitumastic or lined with composite for secondary The tank shall be vented to an independent system, containment. The ParkUSA DTF DeconTank Seriesterminating in open air and sized adequately.Interceptor is manufactured fiberglass or plastic andTank shall be equipped with a leak-proof quick-disconnect is used where lightweight construction is required. coupler to match connection to waste hauler equipment. The Tank shall have an inlet piping connection adequately Alarm sized based on drainage fixture load of incoming fixture(s). If valves are used (for Holding Tanks), valves shall beWastewater Systemsnormally closed and be a full diameter with no restriction created when fully open.Suction If pumps are used, the pumps shall be chemical resistant Pipe and explosion proof and be sized adequately.InletMAINTENANCEThe Decontamination Tank should be inspected periodically. Upon inspection, foreign debris should be removed and HDPEinterior layer state verified. To summarize, the mainLiner steps to follow at maintenance time are cited below.For more detailed information refer to the Operationsand Maintenance Manual. Verify pH, if below standards, according measures should be taken. Stop flow going inside the unit.Epoxy Remove all debris and trash present inside.CoatingVerify interior layer corrosion and degradation.If there is dirt attached to the walls, clean by using theO&M standard method. Open the flow for operation. Verify pH again, waiting 30 minutes before taking the first measure to allow for system chemical equilibrium.OPERATION SIZINGThe ParkUSA Decontamination tank operates to hold orThe recommended minimum size of a decontamination storage specific volumes of contaminated wastewater. Theholding tank should reflect Best Management Practices interior liner is designed to protect the tank from corrosion(BMP) and economic principles of construction. It is generally and degradation. Assessment of disposal of waste is neededrecommended that a decontamination holding tank haveto comply with most guidelines. a capacity of at least 1500 gallons.DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS The design size of decontamination holding tanks is typically Decontamination tanks are designed such that: based on the following flow calculations: the number ofThe tank system should comply with design requirementsshowers to be taken, the gallon per minute of flow frombeing proposed by the federal and state governments andthe shower head or hose, and the time spent in the shower. should be state-of-the-art at the time they are installed. This calculation should be considered the minimum amountThe tank be shall constructed of precast concrete meetingof tank holding capacity available on site: ASHTO H20 standards. The tank shall be watertight and be lined with chemicalShowers Taken X GPM of Shower Head X Time in Shower = resistant High-Density Polyethylene materials. Holding Capacity The tank should provide primary & optional secondary containment.INFO@PARKUSA.COM|888-611-7275|WWW.PARKUSA.COM 395'