b'GENERAL INFORMATION FEATURESStructurally & Hydraulically The ParkUSA BreakTank is a packaged water storage system complete withEngineered tank, controls, and fill valves. A BreakTank is a necessary component in multilevelA36 Steel Constructionbuildings to provide adequate water needs for Fire, Domestic, & Irrigation systems. ManwaysParkUSA has fabricated BreakTanks for more than 25 years in accordance with Interior & Exterior Laddersthe American Welding Society Specifications, AISC, NFPA, and the UniformStiling WellsBuilding Code.Interior ANSI/NSF Protective The fabrication of reliable and durable products requires knowledge, experienceCoatingsand investment. The Engineering team at ParkUSA designs break-tanks that Exterior Rust Inhibitorsare fabricated for project specifications and size requirements to meet all150 PSI Flangesindividual needs. Complete fabrication is performed at our Houston plant withAnti-Vortex Platecertified material and personnel. Factory coating and abrasive blasting are performed in our new High-Tech blast/paint facility, offering excellent corrosionSplit Float Access Panelsand abrasion resistance. Fill, Suction, Vent and DrainBREAKTANK MODELS The ParkUSA BreakTank is a packaged water storage system complete with tank, controls, and fill valves. A BreakTank is a necessary component in multilevel buildings to provide adequate water needs for Fire, Domestic, & Irrigation systems. Domestic Break-Tank Combination Break-TankFIRE Break-Tank50'