b'System ComponentsThe ParkUSA GoTrooper Grit-Oil Interceptor includes the followingcomponents: Precast Concrete, Steel, or Composite Separator Basin Access covers or hatchways Access ladders Safety hatchnets High-level alarm and control panelHow it WorksThe function of the Grit-Oil Interceptor is to intercept & retain cosmetic wash water. The unit can be designed to function as a gravity ow or pumped-driven system. The wastewater ows into an inlet chamber & passes through a bafe and oleophiliccoalescing plate pack to separate oil and solids. The dischargingCoalescing Media Platesefuent comprises the clearer water underneath the oating oils. As stormwater pollutants travel through the CMP (coalescingDepending on the application, the Grit-Oil interceptor may bemedia plate pack) oil rises to the installed below grade or above ground. The interceptor istop and solids drop to the bottomtypically constructed of precast concrete, steel, or composite through dedicated surfaces and material providing years of continuous service. The interceptor isweep holes. Plate supports at thedivided into several compartments where wash water dischargebottom allow for easy removal of oil will coagulate and oat to the surface, and sand (grit) will the solids that collect beneath thesink to the bottom. plates. Because of the steep angles and short travel distances, oilsVisit gotrooper.parkusa.com for more information and designand solids are quickly released, assistance.eventually oating to the surface ofthe unit or settling to the bottom.To request a quote or catalog, visit request.parkusa.com.APPLICATIONSGood to useParking Commercial Industrial SedimentsWashin BMPsGarages Retention Racks'