b'Features Various models for differentapplications available Completely pre-assembledfor easy installation Easy maintenance Precast concrete vault or padand insulated enclosure Long-lasting and dependableservice Only certified equipmentused for constructionCross Connection ControlThe ParkUSA BackFlo is a water cross connection prevention system designed to protect the public water supply from hazardous cross contamination.Our modern community water supply system is designed to ensure that water ows to properties and buildings under pressure. A community water network contains many users. There is a risk to public health if a connection between the water supply and a contaminated source occurs. A cross-connection can occur where there is a pressure drop in the water main. This pressure drop causes a vacuum and siphons of entrainment water from end-users into the public water supply. The backow preventer is generally located inside the property line of the end-users facility and is installed in a concrete vault or on a concrete pad for protection and accessibility.Municipalities around the country may require unique cross connection arrangements and specications. Engineers rely on ParkUSAs code knowledge and technical expertise to specify the right equipment.#BUILDING AMERICA!FLY FOAMTROOPER UNIWD VeBrAsion CKF2L.2OStandard'