b'Features Structurally & hydraulicallyengineered A36 steel construction Manways Interior & exterior ladders Stiling wells Interior ANSI/NSF protectivecoatings Exterior rust inhibitors 150 PSI flangesWater Storage TanksAnti-vortex plateThe ParkUSA BreakTank is a packaged water storage system Split float access panelscomplete with tank, controls, and ll valves. A BreakTank is a Fill, suction, vent and drainnecessary component in multilevel buildings to provide adequate Made in the USA - BreakTankswater needs for Fire, Domestic, & Irrigation applications. are made in America and meetthe requirements of the BuyParkUSA has fabricated BreakTanks for more than 35 years inAmerica Actaccordance with the American Welding Society Specications, AISC, NFPA, and the Uniform Building Code.The fabrication of reliable and durable products requires knowledge,experience and investment. The Engineering team at ParkUSA designs break-tanks that are fabricated for project specications and size requirements to meet all individual needs. Complete fabrication is performed at our Houston plant with certied material and personnel. Factory coating and abrasive blasting are performed in#BUILDING AMERICA!our new High-Tech blast/paint facility, offering excellent corrosion and abrasion resistance. FLY FOAMTROOPER UNIWD BREAKTANKVersion 2.2Standard'