b'System ComponentsThe RainTrooper is designed with the following components: Catchment devices Debris ltration Flush diverters Water storage tanksModel BPT Pump systemsModel RH Water disinfection systemsModel RHF How it worksRainwater harvesting, in its essence, is the collection, conveyance, and storage of rainwater. Once a maximum level is reached in the tank, the innovative overow siphon (RTX-OVRFLW), with its skimmer effect, removes particles lighter than water (e.g. ower pollen, oils, etc.) that oat slowly to the water surface. Removing this oating layer of surface pollutants through regular overow from the tank is important to maintain high water quality and allow oxygen diffusion at the water surface. The narrow slits in the overow siphon prevent rodents from entering the tank.The oating intake with hose (RTX-FSCF) has an air-lled ball that suspends the oating inlet lter just below the water surface where the cleanest water resides. A high quality one inch diameter exible hose allows for connection of the oating inlet to a pump or suction line. The lter is made of lead-free brass with a 0.047 stainless steel screen and a built-in check valve.The calmed inlet feature prevents disturbance and re-suspension of ne sediments that gather on the bottom of the tank. Another important function of the inlet is the introduction of oxygen into the lower layers of the tank, which maintains a fresh supply of water while preventing anaerobic conditions from forming.Visit raintrooper.parkusa.com for more information and design assistance.To request a quote or catalog, visit request.parkusa.com.APPLICATIONSGood to useResidential GreenCommercial Low Impact in BMPsInfrastructure Development'