b'LT ENGINEERINGCATALOGSYSTEM COMPONENTS MAINTENANCEThe ParkUSA Sand-Mud Interceptor presents the mainThe frequency of cleaning at any given installation will components described below: vary depending on use. Solids Interceptors should be cleanedStainless-Steel Screen Filter (when required, i.e. STSC): (or pumped out) routinely to prevent the escape of the unit presents a stainless-steel screen filterappreciable quantities of solids. Solids should be removed whose design varies by product model. For the STSCbefore accumulations effectively reduce storage capacity configuration, the filter is a basket device located at theand detention time of the interceptor. A professional outlet. And for the SSB variation, the screen filter occupiespumping company familiar with regulations regarding the whole sectional area of the unit, being in a tableproper disposal should maintain the interceptor.design and the flow going downward.SIZINGSensors: Indicate water level inside unit. The sand-mud interceptor is generally sized according toControl Panel: The Control System consists of a panel thatthe local plumbing code. A typical method is to determine receives signal from the high-level sensor, it is programedthe total fixture unit loading of the sewer system beingWastewater Systemsfor easy operation by the end-user. serviced by the interceptor. The fixture unit total is converted to flow rate (1 fixture unit = 7.5 GPM). The flow Containments Vault: The shell of the unit can berate is multiplied by the minimum detention time to constructed from Precast Concrete, Polyethylene,determinethe interceptor capacity.Fiberglass, or Steel. Model names and configurationsvary by material. Example:A common application is an automobile service garage.OPERATION The garage has 3 floor drains and 1 service sink, which areThe purpose of the sand-mud interceptor is to interceptto be serviced by a sand-mud interceptor. The total fixture the wastewater and retain it for a sufficient amount of time,unit loading is:which allows for separation of the solids from the water.3(2 f.u.) + 1(3 f.u.) = 9 fixture unitsThe sand-mud interceptor is typically located outside of the building and buried below grade. The buried interceptor isandtypically constructed of precast concrete, providing years of continuous service. The interceptor is divided into several9 fixture units X 7.5 GPM = 67.5 GPMcompartments where solids will sink to the bottom. Clarified effluent discharges into the sanitary sewer, typically throughOnce the maximum flow rate (GPM) is determined, an approved sample well fixture. it is multiplied by the desired detention time of the wastewater within the interceptor. Generally, a detention DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS time of30 minutes is sufficient. Therefore, a flow rate of 67.5 GPM One of the most important features for the successfulwill require an interceptor of:operation of the sand-mud interceptor is the maintenance program. Regardless of the size or design, an interceptor 67.5 GPM X 30 Minutes = 2,025 Gallonsis only as good as its maintenance program. For this reason, most plumbing codes require the interceptor to be installedThe Park Equipment Company Model SM-2500 is and located so that it will be easily accessible for inspection,specified.cleaning, and removal of intercepted waste products.There should be an adequate number of manholes topermit access for cleaning all areas of the interceptor.A manhole should be located near the inlet and the outlet. The manhole should not be less than 20 inches in size.All manholes should extend to grade. The interceptor should be located near the source of the wastewater for the protection of the piping system. The sand-mud interceptor should be buried so as to intercept the building sewer. Inlet and outlet piping shall be a minimum of 4 inches or the size of the building sewer, whichever is greater. Most jurisdictions require a sampling well on the discharging side of the interceptor so that an inspector can verify proper treatment or maintenance.INFO@PARKUSA.COM|888-611-7275|WWW.PARKUSA.COM 281'