b'Normal Runoff FlowStormwater enters the StormTrooper through the control manhole with one or multiple inlets and/or a grate inlet. The inlet invert guides the treatment ow into the interceptors rst chamber where the water velocity is signicantly reduced, creating non-turbulent conditions. Here, buoyant materials rise to the surface and heavy solids start to settle. As the water ows to the second compartment, it must travel through coalescent media where hydrodynamic coalescence occurs. During this laminarow period, hydrocarbons separate and rise to the upper region of the interceptor. Sediment particles do the opposite, as they are separated and sink to the interceptor bottom region. All pollutants remain in these lower and upper regions, where they are securelydetained until they are removed during maintenance. The water exits the interceptor to the control manholes outlet compartment and then continues to the storm sewer.How it Works High Runoff FlowThe function of the StormTrooper system is to intercept free oilsThe StormTrooper has a ow limiter and sediments from stormwater runoff and retain them forwhich ensures that the rated ow periodic removal. Each system is designed for a rated ow ratecapacity is not exceeded through capacity of stormwater, known as the initial rst-ush ow of athe interceptor. During high ow, storm event. This rst-ush will contain the majority of therunoff enters the control manhole pollutants washed from the catchment areas. Runoff can rangewhere water builds and rises in the from low to very high ow rates. High ows can be detrimental tocontrol manholes inlet stormwater treatment devices in that excessive ows tend tocompartment. The excess runoff scour and resuspend the existing retained pollutants left fromthat does not ow into the the previous storm event. The StormTrooper utilizes engineeredinterceptor will ow through a trash bypass features to handle excessive ows, permitting only thescreen and over the bypass weir. In design ow through the interceptor while bypassing high owsthe control manholes secondto the storm sewer. compartment, the bypassed ow and the treated ow from the Visit stormtrooper.parkusa.com for more information andinterceptor merges and then exits design assistance. to the storm sewer.To request a quote or catalog, visit request.parkusa.com.APPLICATIONSGood to useIndustrial Parking Lots Low ImpactGreen in BMPsStreets & HighwaysDevelopmentInfrastructure'