b'LT ENGINEERINGCATALOGDESIGN CONSIDERATIONS MAINTENANCEThe BreakTank shall be divided with a partition with oneThe break tank shall be installed on an equipment compartment for Fire Protection Water and the other for(housekeeping) pad, with the bottom of the tank inPotable Water (Only Where Domestic Storage is Utilized).a 1/8-inch thick Koppers Bitumastic 50 that covers theThe partition shall be of the double wall type extendingarea of the equipment pad.to the top of the tank, each wall of the partition shall be sealed with a continuous weld between the wall and fourAt installation and at maintenance, the unit should be sides of the tank. There shall be an air space between thethoroughly cleaned the inside and outside, and verify that walls of the partition of not less than 4 inches for tanksall vermin screens and other required trims are installed with a height of 10 feet or less. For tanks over 10 feet inprior to filling tank. Adjust level alarms, fill valves and height, the space between the walls of the partition shallsecure manway cover prior to operation.be not less than 6 inches. A non-threaded opening shall be provided at the bottom of the partition to give visualThe unit will require an annual inspection to verifyevidence of loss of integrity of the wall of the partition. Theproper operation. The ParkUSA BreakTank includesair space between the partition walls shall be given a onea 50 year warranty.psi air test with all welds soaped to assure no leaks in the partition chamber. Tank fabricator shall furnish a notarized certificate of compliance with this test. A metal nameplate indicating the name of manufacturer, date of manufacture and serial number of the tank shall be permanently affixed to the tank. The manufacturer of the tank shall have no less than five years of experience building 3,500 gallon or larger potable water tanks. No subcontracting of tank will be permitted. A list of installations of such tanks shall be furnished as required by the engineer. The tanks shall be constructed entirely of new materials to assure against the possibility of contamination from previous usage. The BreakTank shall be equipped with steel24 inches by 24 inches gasketed and bolted manway.The tank shall be provided with an overflow pipedto the overflow pit. The overflow shall include a return bend vent top, the same size as the overflow. The vent opening and overflow riser shall be covered with a stainless-steel screen of not less than 100 mesh. To provide an air gap, the top at the overflow riser shall be not less than 2 inches below the fill connections.52 INFO@PARKUSA.COM|888-611-7275|WWW.PARKUSA.COM'