b'LT ENGINEERINGCATALOGSYSTEM COMPONENTS DESIGN CONSIDERATIONSThe ParkUSA AFFF unit includes the following standard When designing an AFFF unit for any application, there & optional components: are some variable to take in consideration. First are theElevated Stands & Ladderscharacteristics of the application, it is needed to be statedDual Wall Constructionif the project is for firewater, and the location of the projectStainless Steel Constructionand the tank. In the same way, all applicable guidelines andConcrete Containment Vaultcodes for the project and location must be reviewed. High Level Monitoring Sensors & ControlsPrecast Concrete, Steel or Fiberglass ConstructionSIZING Access covers or hatchwaysSafety hatch netsSince this is a special product that requires coordination and careful review of different variables involved, it results complex to establish a standard chart with model and size. OPERATION However, the general method for sizing this type of unitFor years, foam has been used as a fire-extinguishingis as follows:medium for flammable and combustible liquids. Unlike Variables of flow, foam, and location must be stated. Wastewater Systemsother extinguishing agents - water, dry chemical, CO 2 ,These values usually are: flow rate, hanger size, volumeetc., a stable aqueous foam can extinguish a flammableof foam solution, and foam expansion rate.or combustible liquid fire by the combined mechanisms Using a 10 minutes retention, and with the discharge of cooling, separating the flame/ignition source from theequation, the volume of the tank can be estimated.product surface, suppressing vapors and smothering.Next, wastewater equipment to use should be verified, It can also secure for extended periods of time against reflashthis includes: double wall with leak detection, oil/water or re-ignition. Water, if used on a standard hydrocarbon fuel,separator, diverter valve actuator, and control panel.is heavier than most of those liquids and if applied directlyEach of these pieces and equipment also need a process to the fuel surface, will sink to the bottom having little or nofor design and selection.effect on extinguishment or vapor suppression. If the liquid fuel heats above 212 degrees Fahrenheit, the water may boilMAINTENANCEbelow the fuel surface throwing the fuel out of the contained area and spreading the fire. For this reason, foam is theThe AFFF unit should be inspected periodically for any primary fire-extinguishing agent for all potential hazards accumulation that could occur during normal operation.or areas where flammable liquids are transported, processed,In the unfortunate event of spill, the unit should immediately stored or used as an energy source. be serviced to remove hazardous material. When necessary, the unit should be pumped out bya licensed pumping company familiar with regulations regarding proper disposal.INFO@PARKUSA.COM|888-611-7275|WWW.PARKUSA.COM 413'