b'LT ENGINEERINGCATALOGSYSTEM COMPONENTSThe TrashTrooper is designed with the followingRegardless of the size or design, an interceptor is only as components: good as its maintenance program. For this reason, mostBar Screens plumbing codes require the interceptors to be installed andHeavy-Duty Galvanized Steel Collection Screens located in areas easily accessible for inspection, cleaning andInlet Debris Screens and Pollution Inserts removal of collected debris. The TrashTrooper is equippedConcrete Vault, and Piping when needed.with an access hatchway and an integrated ladder to permitAccess Hatchways access for cleaning all areas of the system. The product is toLadder be installed below grade, and is typically located before aStormwater Qualityprimary treatment unit for further separation and treatment OPERATION of smaller pollutants.ParkUSAs TrashTrooper captures unwanted floatableMAINTENANCEpollutants from stormwater systems. Inside of the interceptor the influent will encounter a floatable collectionBMPs like dry/wet ponds are typically designed to bar screen that traps floating debris as small as 1inchcompletely drain within 24 to 48 hours after the completion in size, preventing them from invading municipal MS4s,of a storm event. These BMPs are designedrivers, drainage swales, lakes, bayous, estuaries, and coastalto mimic natural conditions by allowing water to soak into waters. The separated effluent will exit the TrashTrooper andthe ground and limiting the release of stormwatercontinue through the stormwater sewer system, leavingto other pipes or bodies of water. Monthly maintenance is behind the debris in the product. advised in heavy weather months or after any major storm event (using 1 inch in 24 hours as a minimum guideline DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS depending on non-structural controls of the site). Proper design starts with the consulting city, county,The frequency of cleaning any given installation will vary state, or national EPA stormwater quality and flood controldepending on its use. The TrashTrooper should be cleaned regulations for minimum structural BMP requirements forroutinely to prevent contamination of the effluent water. floatable collection systems. Collected debris should be removed before accumulations effectively reduce storage capacity as well and effluent flow The Local Jurisdiction Storm Water Quality Guidance Manualrate out of the interceptor. A professional company familiar requires all new development and significant redevelopmentwith regulations regarding proper disposal should maintain projects to install a Post-Construction Best Managementthe interceptor.Practice (BMP). Post-Construction BMPs take different forms, both structural and nonstructural. Examples of nonstructural controls include public service announcements, controlling sources of water pollution, and low impact development. Structural controls are stormwater quality basins, detention ponds, vegetative practices, and floatable collection products.INFO@PARKUSA.COM|888-611-7275|WWW.PARKUSA.COM 103'