b'GENERAL INFORMATION Toxic wastewater is generated Toxic wastewater is generated as a result of decontamination activities performedas a result of decontamination at medical facilities that may contain CBR substances. According to the currentactivities performed at medical IPC and UPC codes, chemical drainage shall be completely separated fromfacilities that may contain CBR the sanitary sewer system (Chapter 8, Section 803.3, IPC 2009). The ParkUSAsubstances. According to the DeconTank, is specifically designed to control decontamination wastewater current IPC and UPC codes, for the protection of personnel and the public sewer system. chemical drainage shall be completely separated from the For permanent installations utilizing gravity flow drainage, a below grade tank sanitary sewer system.is recommended. There are two types of tanks:FEATURESThe DeconTank Holding Tank is a tank that is plumbed with open shut valves thatVarious Models Availableallow the discharge of decontamination wastewater to the sanitary sewer systemfor Different Environmentsafter it is determined to be an allowable discharge. If outlet pipe from the tankEasy pH Estimationsextends and connects to a public sewer line, then the tank is considered as part of the building plumbing. The tank should comply with local plumbing regulations. Several Coatings and Liners AvailableDECONTANK MODELS Easy MaintenanceDeconTank Storage Tank is a holding tank that is not directly connected toPrepacked and Pre-wired System a public sewer line (such that it would require pumping to empty it) and isfor Easy Installationconsidered a storage tank. The manhole should not be less than 20 inches in size.Unitized Control Panel withAll manholes should extend to grade. The interceptor should be located near theEasy User Interfacesource of the wastewater for the protection of the piping system. Remote Alarm Connection ReadyMeets all Building CodesInterior Liner Model Interior and Exterior Liner ModelFiberglass Model394'