b'LT ENGINEERINGCATALOGMODELSCombination Water Service Meter Our Propeller Meters are available from 3 inches up toThe Combination Water Service Meter is designed for36 inches dia. Applications for the Propeller includeDomestic & Fire Waterapplications where fire service and drinking water suppliesagricultural and turf irrigation, HVAC, marine systems,are fed by a single line. The design of the Combination Meterand municipal water and wastewater.combines low-slow sensitivity of disc meters with high-flow capacity of turbine meters for an extremely wide flowTurbine Water Meterrange. The Combination Meter is designed to measure bothTurbine Water Meters utilize a vane turbine element in the domestic and fire service water usage through a single waterwater flow stream that rotates as water flows through the line. This meter is required to be Underwriters Laboratory (UL)meter body. The Turbine Meter is designed for domestic Listed and Factory Mutual (FM) Approved for fire service. or fire service applications where the flow is consistently moderate to high. For fire service applications, a fire turbine Applications for Combination Water Meters include; hotels,water meter with a UL/FM strainer is used. Turbine Meters hospitals, schools, and other large water customers requiringare available in sizes 2 inches through 16 inches.water service through a single line.Meter VaultCompound The meter vault is manufactured from high strength precast Compound Meters are a combination of a positiveconcrete providing protection and accessibility to the meter displacement meter and a turbine meter designed for highand accessories. The vault should contain an access hatchway metering accuracy where extremely large variations in flowand safety net suitable for grade level entry. The hatchway are anticipated. The Compound Meter is typically installedshould be constructed of corrosion resistant materials and in schools, hospitals, hotels, shopping centers, and otherdesigned for either pedestrian or vehicular traffic loading. installations where flow demands vary from fractional gallonsThe vault should have a recessed sump for pumping out any to large peak-hour demands. Compound Meters are availablerainwater which may enter vault. An automatic meter reading in sizes 2 inches through 8 inches. (AMR) transmitter can be located in the vault cover to allow for remote meter reading.Applications for compound Water Meters include;medium-sized motels, hotels, schools, public buildings, Strainerslarge apartments, condominium complexes, hospitals, A strainer upstream of the meter is generally required and other customers that experience both high and on meters two inches and larger. The strainer provides low water demand. protection to the meter by screening out debris which could damage the meter. The stainless-steel element is designed Electromagnetic to improve the water flow stream profile entering the meter. Electromagnetic Water Meters (Magmeters) are designed This optimized flow profile ensures accurate registration for measuring potable and non-potable cold water.regardless of the configuration on the meter installation.Magmeter are used on applications such as municipal For fire service installations, the strainer must be UL Listed water service, reclaimed water, raw sewage, or when theand FM Approved. The fire strainer is generally significantly meter location is difficult to reach. The Magmeter haslarger than its domestic strainer counterpart.a flow tube design that is completely non-intrusive and maintenance-free. Whereas, other meters can clog andValves and By-Passrequire frequent maintenance when used with solids laden,To prevent water service interruption to the end-user,Magmeters are full port to allow flow. a by-pass line and valves for isolating the meter is incorporated to facilitate future meter calibration and Electromagnetic Water Meters are available up to 54-inchmaintenance. Some local water authorities may requiredia. The electromagnetic flow measurement technology canthat the by-pass valve be locked to prevent unauthorized be used in water, wastewater, and industrial applications. water usage. The large screen element provides for less pressure drop across the strain because of the larger internal Positive Displacement screen element.Positive Displacement Meters contain a hermetically sealed register, magnetic drive, and positive displacement measuringOPERATIONchamber. They are used to measure the low flows typicallyUsually, water meters follow the same principle of operation. associated with residential and light commercial applications. For example, on the positive displacement water meter, Available sizes range from 5/8 inch through 2 inches. a known quantity of liquid within a small unit moves with Propeller Meters the flow of water. They operate by repeatedly filling and Propeller Meters are designed for measuring potableemptying the unit. The flow rate of water is calculated based and non-potable cold water. The Propeller Meter ison the number of times the unit is filled and emptied. The recommended for applications where flows are constantmeter also includes a piston or disc that triggers the motion within a limited range, and low flow does not occur.of gears for recording the volume of liquid exiting the meter.The Propeller Meter is an economical and versatile flow measurement solution for a wide range of water applications, and can be used on dirty water flows.INFO@PARKUSA.COM|888-611-7275|WWW.PARKUSA.COM 9'