b'LT ENGINEERINGCATALOG SYSTEM COMPONENTS DESIGN CONSIDERATIONSThe ParkUSA ANTC is available with the followingThe acid neutralization basin shall be constructed of an components: atmospheric type steel vessel with structural strength to Steel Shell: base structure containing the acidwithstand static and dynamic loading while empty and neutralization rocks Labrox. This shell can also be madeduring operating conditions. The vessel shall have interior of concrete depending on model and application. and exterior liners intended for use in storage and/or neutralization of corrosive wastewater. Labrox: medium that can be either a lump limestoneor marble 1 to 3 inches in size with a high calciumThe acid neutralization tank shell shall be constructed of carbonate equivalent content in excess of 95 percent.1/4-inch thick carbon steel and welded in accordance to AWS For a waste containing predominantly sulfuric acid, aD.1.1. Tank shall include lifting lugs and manways as required. dolomitic limestone is preferred, Dolomitic limestoneAll welds shall be continuous double butt and ground contains a high percentage of magnesium carbonatesmooth. All corners and edges shall be rounded by grinding in addition to the calcium carbonate. A smaller size fillto remove points and sharpness. Any braces, supports or should not be used as it tends to solidify and preventother attachments inside must be fitted flat against the passage of liquid. A full charge of neutralizing fill is to adjacent surface and full welded from all sides. Heavy metalWastewater Systemsthe invert of the tank inlet.splatter on the steel surface shall be removed by grinding and any deep scars, pits or points must be filled in or ground Liners: Liners are available for each model, including;as required to remove sharp edges. Out of roundness ofexterior/interior high density polyethylene (HDPE) forsteel basin shall not exceed of one percent of diameter.model ANT, and ceramic brick for model ANTC. Tank shall be hydrostatically tested for minimum of24 hours to ensure water tightness. Any welding, cutting,High Density Polyethylene (HDPE): HDPE is a highor modification to the welds, floor plate, or welded structure quality abrasive and chemical resistant thermoplasticwhich would alter the water tightness of the tank mustwith high stress crack and impact resistance. HDPE hasbe vacuum tested per API 650, Supplement No. 3-5high structural rigidity and moderately high continuousVacuum Testing.operating temperature rating, up to 160 degrees Fahrenheit. The lining system is manufactured fromAll interior and exterior steel surfaces, flange faces, and 3/16-inch thick thermoplastic sheets with anchor studsbells shall be abrasively blasted to a White Metal finish for embedding into the concrete outer shell. The weldedconforming to SSPCSP5 or NACE #1, 2 or 3 mil profile.panels form an interior or exterior lining which becomesAfter blasting, the interior of tank shall be cleaned and an integral part of the concrete structure. primered and an Atlastic TMelastomeric asphaltic liner applied to form a seamless monolithic membrane to a thickness of Ceramic Brick Lining: The ceramic brick liner is thenot less than 1/4 inch. Electrostatic holiday testing of the liner solution when fiberglass or plastic liners do not offershall be performed to insure against pinholes.adequate protection. The ceramic brick liner offers permanent protection even in the harshest of chemicalAfter the membrane application, a 2-inch thick ceramic environments. This type of liner has traditionally beenbrick liner shall be applied to the interior walls and bottom used in industrial applications such as Pulp & Paper Millsof the basin. The acid proof brick shall be manufactured and Oil/Gas Refineries. The ceramic liner system consistsin accordance to ASTM C279 Type H specifications and of an impermeable membrane overlaid with acid proofbe classed as medium duty refractories and usable to a brick. The liner can be applied to steel or concrete tanks. temperature of 1315 C. The chemical analysis (by weight) shall be: SiO2 63.1 percent, Al203 + TiO3 25.1 percent, Fe2O3 1.5 percent, CaO 0.2 percent, MgO 0.5 percent, Na2O + K2O 2.5 percent, Loss of Ignition 7.1 percent. The acid brick linershall be applied with a chemical resistant 100 percentcarbon filled furan mortar. The exterior of basin and shallbe coated with a Permaflex TM1100 chemical resistantepoxy coating, minimum 50 mils thickness. The inlet,outlet, and vent connections shall have a bell type connection and be chemical resistant.INFO@PARKUSA.COM|888-611-7275|WWW.PARKUSA.COM 387'