b'FoamTrooperFire Fighting Foam ContainmentAVOID PFAS CONTAMINATIONenvironmentallyresponsibleAFFF Containment System FeaturesAqueous lm-forming foam (AFFF) solution is used extensively in resuppression systems for aviation facilities and in re training. AFFF OSHA Manway Access Coversystems are proven and essential to protect these valuable, mission Chemical Resistant Tankessential aircraft and hangar facilities. AFFF consists of uorosurfactantConstruction(PFAS), hydrocarbon surfactants, solvents, inorganic salts, corrosion Prepackaged System for Easyinhibitors, and water. The use of PFAS in foam enables the formation ofSpecication & Installationan aqueous lm on top of lighter liquid fuels.Maintenance Notication System; This lm is capable of rapid re extinguishment, burn-back resistanceAlerts of Tank Full Capacityand protection against vapor release. PFAS does not exist naturally in the Optional Dual Wall Containmentenvironment, since they are man-made. First generation PFAS Optional Metering Pump & chemicals are very persistent in the environment and in the humanControlsbodymeaning they dont break down and can accumulate over time. The US Department of Defense is currently in the process of testing for legacy PFAS contamination in hundreds of locations where the military has conducted re or crash training.ParkUSA has developed the FoamTrooper for pretreatment andcontainment of wastewater discharge from re protection systems.The FoamTrooper enables responsible management of discharge to#BUILDING AMERICA!protect the public sewer and the environment. FLY FOAMTROOPER UNIWW VeFrOsion AMT2R.2OOPERStandard'