b'Features Various basket and storageequipment designs available Low profile design LEED compliant Texas manufactured Easy installation and maintenanceWater FiltrationIn forested areas, the water balance or natural hydrology is altered only by rainfall and associated uctuations in inltration, Evaporation, and transpiration from plant growth. But in urban areas, this natural hydrology is heavily modied because land has been cleared of vegetation and capped with hard or impervious surfaces. When it rains, most rainfall runs off of impervious surfaces such as roofs and roads and is then typically transported directly and quickly to waterways through a drainage system. As a result, stormwater reaches waterways more often, more quickly, and in greater volumes than waterways are naturally adapted to, as there are limited opportunities for inltration, evaporation and transpiration via plants in the landscape.The ParkUSA RainFilter is a complete system designed to treat total suspended solids (TSS), debris, and trash from stormwater runoff. It presents a low footprint and is of special use on leadership in energy and environmental design (LEED) projects and green developments,#BUILDING AMERICA!among others. It consists of a high-density polyethylene (HDPE) construction tank, an internal stainless steel lter, and an optimalFLY RAINFIL.2TERstorage system. RW Version 2Standard'