b'System ComponentsTypical components include:Screen Filter: Contained in the STSC conguration, the screening lter offers enhanced separation for neutral buoyancy particles. Screens are available down to 100 microns. All sediments reside in the interceptor for period cleaning by a vac-truck service company.Filter Baskets: Contained in the STSSB conguration, the screening baskets are removable for onsite solid waste disposal of the collectedsolids and sediment. This can be maintained by onsite maintenance personnel.Control System: Consists of NEMA 4X panel with service notication and an internal tank sensor for easy use bythe end-user.Interceptor Basin: The shell of the How it Works unit can be constructed from The SolidsTrooper is typically located outside of the building andPrecast Concrete, Fiberglass, or buried below grade. The wastewater exits the laundry via gravity owSteel. Model names and and enters the interceptor. As the wastewater enters thecongurations vary by material. interceptors rst compartment, the water velocity is signicantly reduced, allowing for separation and fall-out of the solids and sediment. Water travels into the second compartment through the piping manifold where further separation occurs. The water will exit thru an outlet pipe positioned between the oating and settling layers. Neutral buoyant particles are further separated by the internal efuent screen.The buried interceptor is typically constructed of precast concrete, providing years of continuous service. The interceptor contains multiple compartments where the solids will occulate and oat to the surface, and heavier solids will sink to the bottom. The discharging efuent is comprised of the solids-free water between these layers.To ensure maximum performance of interceptor, a sample well is recommended downstream of the interceptor. As its name implies, a water sample can be drawn and lab tested to determine sediment (TSS) content and interceptor performance.Visit solidstrooper.parkusa.com for more information and design assistance.To request a quote or catalog, visit request.parkusa.com.APPLICATIONSGood to useMunicipal Commercial Industrial Sedimentsin BMPsRetention'