b'Features Best Value BMP Larger Effective Area (EA) Treatment Accommodates spills up to 3,800 gallons Includes diversion structure to bypass ows exceeding the design Water Quality Volume (WQv) Enhanced Gravity Separation utilizing CMP Technology Texas Manufactured Third Party Tested by SwRIStormwater Treatment Sustainable management of water quality is imperative if futuregenerations have access to clean water. Stormwater runoff collectspollutants like trash, debris, oil and gasoline and washes it directly into the stormwater drainage system.At gasoline stations there is a great risk of pollutants being washedinto the stormwater. A spill of only one gallon of gasoline can contaminate 750,000 gallons of water. Many municipalities requirespill containment measures around gasoline fueling stations to address this. The City of Austin, Texas specically requires that a business with a gasoline fueling station have a hazardous material interceptor with the ability to accommodate spills up to 750 gallons in addition to the ability to treat stormwater runoff.The StormTrooper HMI is part of the StormTrooper product familyof patented technology that is designed to intercept free oil, grease, TSS, debris and other pollutants found in stormwater. In addition, the HMI system can accommodate fuel spills up to 3,800 gallons. #BUILDING AMERICA!FLY FOAMTROOPER UNISW ORM2T.2ROOPER HMIVeSrTsion Standard'