b'RainFilterA Surface GrateFiltrationC OverowSystem ComponentsB Baskets Piping The RainFilter is designed with the following components: Stainless-steel basket screen High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) tank Stormwater storage equipment as required PipingStorage SectionHow it worksAs the rst surge of stormwater runoff enters the surface grate (A), it encounters the rst of three stainless steel perforated baskets (B). The rst debris basket is designed to retain substances greater than 8,000 microns (8mm). Common substances include leaves, rocks, branches, and trash. The rst basket is also designed with a built in bypass (C) as precaution for high ow rates or trash build-up that can obstruct normal ow.After passing through the rst ltration basket, the coarse ltered stormwater reaches the second stage of ltration. The second perforated basked is rated to separate any solids greater than 3,000 microns (3mm). Within the second basket, there are hydrocarbon pillows designed to lter and reduce the fuels and oils that are mixed with the stormwater runoff.The nal ltration basket retains solids that are greater than 2,000 microns (2mm) in size. After passing through the RainFilters three-step ltration process, the stormwater runoff has signicantly reduced TSS and is prepared for storage in an underground detention system.Visit rainlter.parkusa.com for more information and design assistance.To request a quote or catalog, visit request.parkusa.com.APPLICATIONSGood to useIncorparate Low ImpactGreenSediments Nutrients & in BMPsVegetation DevelopmentInfrastructure Retention Pollutant Removal'