b'LT ENGINEERINGCATALOG SYSTEM COMPONENTS DESIGN CONSIDERATIONSThe ParkUSA ANT is available with the followingLabTank Neutralization tanks manufactured by ParkUSA are components: constructed of quality precast concrete, Class II 4500 PSI @ Concrete Box: base structure containing the acid28 days. Pre-casting the concrete shell ensures that all units neutralization rocks Labrox. This box can also be madeachieve structural and physical uniformity. The units are of steel depending on model and application. structurally engineered for H-20 truck loading and can be buried without any need for any other structural protection. Labrox: Medium that can be either a lump limestone The unit is of monolithic construction at the walls and or marble 1 to 3 inches in size with a high calciumbottom to insure against joint leakage.carbonate equivalent content in excess of 95 percent.For a waste containing predominantly sulfuric acid, An interior liner is installed within the concrete shell,a dolomitic limestone is preferred, Dolomitic limestonewhich provides for resistance to abrasion and harsh contains a high percentage of magnesium carbonatechemicals. The liner is monolithic at the walls and bottom in addition to the calcium carbonate. A smaller size fillinsuring against leaks. Some common lining materials should not be used as it tends to solidify and preventinclude; Fiber Reinforced Polyester, High Density passage of liquid. A full charge of neutralizing fill is to Polyethylene, or Polypropylene. The interior lining should Wastewater Systemsfill the invert of the tank inlet.be specified which best fits the applications chemicalwaste and project budget.Liners: Liners are available for each model, including; exterior/interior high density polyethylene (HDPE) forWhere exterior corrosion control, groundwater model ANT, and ceramic brick for model ANTC. impermeability, or dual containment is necessary,an exterior wall liner is a solution. The exterior liner is High Density Polyethylene (HDPE): HDPE is a highprovided on the concrete outer wall. Some commonquality abrasive and chemical resistant thermoplasticlining materials include; Bitumastic Waterproofing,with high stress crack and impact resistance. HDPE hasFiber Reinforced Polyester, High Density Polyethylene,high structural rigidity and moderately high continuousor Polypropylene.operating temperature rating, up to 160 degrees Fahrenheit. The lining system is manufactured fromLeak detection systems are available to detect primary tank 3 / 16 -inch thick thermoplastic sheets with anchor studs foror pipe leakage or groundwater seepage.embedding into the concrete outer shell. The welded panels form an interior or exterior lining which becomesThe Neutralization Tank is gas-tight, therefore venting is an integral part of the concrete structure. required. During the neutralization process the by-productis carbon dioxide gas that is not toxic, corrosive, or Ceramic Brick Lining: The ceramic brick liner is theflammable. Venting will allow for the removal of any vapors. solution when fiberglass or plastic liners do not offerVenting is typically accomplished by routing a vent pipe adequate protection. The ceramic brick liner offersfrom the tank to the building vent system.permanent protection even in the harshest of chemical environments. This type of liner has traditionally beenWhen pH monitoring and/or leak detection is required, used in industrial applications such as Pulp & Paper Millsseveral options are available. For budget projects, a visual and Oil/Gas Refineries. The ceramic liner system consistsdetection system consisting of an access cover or pipe in the of an impermeable membrane overlaid with acid proofsecondary tank is available. Routine inspection is required brick. The liner can be applied to steel or concrete tanks. to ensure warning in the case of a leak. For automatic notification, an electronic pH monitoring and leak detection OPERATION system is available. This system consists of sensor probes, analyzers, digital chart recorder and notification panel. The Acid Neutralization Tank Model ANT is the standardContact our engineering department for more information.model available. Operation occurs following chemical processes. Acids and alkalies can be neutralized, rendering them harmless. The degree of neutralization can be measured by the pH system (concentration of hydrogen ion). Acid pH values range from 0 to 6.99, a neutral solution is seven and alkalies range from 7.01 to 14. The smaller thepH value, the higher the content of acidic waste. The larger the pH value the higher the content of alkaline waste.The neutralization process occurs by the chemical reaction of calcium and magnesium carbonate with the acidic waste. The pH value is increased to 6.0 - 8.0. This range of pH in the neutralized effluent is generally acceptable for dischargeinto public sewer systems.INFO@PARKUSA.COM|888-611-7275|WWW.PARKUSA.COM 371'