b'LT ENGINEERINGCATALOG OPERATIONThe Acid Neutralization Tank Model ANPT is a specialThe Acid Neutralization tank shall be constructed of model available. Operation occurs following chemicalvirgin high density polyethylene conforming to ASTM processes. Acids and alkalies can be neutralized, renderingD1248 for polyolefin materials. Tank exterior lining to them harmless. The degree of neutralization can beconsist of 1/8-inch reinforced fiberglass (FRP). Tank shall measured by the pH system (concentration of hydrogenbe self-supporting and rated for continuous operation ion). Acid pH values range from zero to 6.99, a neutraltemperature of 160 degrees Fahrenheit, and intermittent solution is seven and alkalies range from 7.01 to 14. Theoperation at 200 degrees Fahrenheit. Tank shall be smaller the pH value, the higher the content of acidicprovided with minimum 24-inch diameter gasketed and waste. The larger the pH value the higher the content ofbolted manhole with stainless steel nuts and bolts. Inlet/alkaline waste. The neutralization process occurs by theoutlet/vent pipefittings shall be made of polyethylene chemical reaction of calcium and magnesium carbonateand fusion welded to tank. Tank shall be charged with the acidic waste. The pH value is increased to 6.0 - 8.0.with limestone in accordance with manufacturers This range of pH in the neutralized effluent is generallyrecommendation prior to putting in service.acceptable for discharge into public sewer systems.SIZINGDESIGN CONSIDERATIONS It is common practice to size the LabTank based onWastewater SystemsLabTank Neutralization tanks manufactured by ParkUSAlaboratory stations or sinks. In general laboratory are constructed of quality precast concrete, Class II 4500applications like schools or hospitals, 10 gph per stationPSI @ 28 days. Pre-casting the concrete shell ensuresof effluent discharge is used. See the chart below.that all units achieve structural and physical uniformity. The units are structurally engineered for H-20 truckMAINTENANCEloading and can be buried without any need for any other structural protection. The unit is of monolithic constructionThe Neutralization Tank should be inspected periodically. at the walls and bottom to insure against joint leakage. Upon inspection, foreign debris should be removed and Chemical Rock added if needed. To summarize, the main Where exterior corrosion control, groundwatersteps to follow at maintenance time are cited below.impermeability, or dual containment is necessary, anFor more detailed information refer to the Operationsexterior wall liner is a solution. The exterior liner is providedand Maintenance Manual.on the concrete outer wall. Some common lining materials Verify pH in the effluent, if below standards, labrox needs include; Bitumastic Waterproofing for this model. to be replaced as first mitigation measure. Stop flow passing through the unit.The Neutralization Tank is gas-tight, therefore ventingRemove all debris and trash present inside.is required. During the neutralization process theRemove old/inert labrox from inside the tank.by-product is carbon dioxide gas that is not toxic,Apply new rock media into the tank.corrosive, or flammable. Venting will allow for the removal Open the flow for operation.of any vapors. Venting is typically accomplished by routing Verify pH at the effluent again, waiting 30 minutesa vent pipe from the tank to the building vent system. before taking the first measure to allow for system chemical equilibrium.Acid Neutralization Tank Model ANPT SizesANP-T15 ANP-T30 ANPT-55 ANPT-100 ANPT-150 ANPT-200 ANPT-275GAL CAP 15 30 55 100 150 200 275INLET A 10 2-1 2-3 2-10 3-2 3-9 3-2OUTLET B 10 2-1 2-3 2-10 3-2 3-9 3-2VENT C 12 2-3 2-9 3-2 3-6 4-2 3-4DIA D 17 17 24 28 30 36 42HEIGHT E 16 31 34 42 48 53 48COVER F 24 24 24 30 30 42 42VAULT X 36 36 36 48 48 48 60INFO@PARKUSA.COM|888-611-7275|WWW.PARKUSA.COM 383'