b'Other Models Include:Water TightAccess CoverConcreteTank ShellCheckHigh Level ValveAlarm Model DTX-DIV Leak InletDetectionWellPrimaryLeak Tank LinerDetectionSensorSecondaryTank Liner Model DTC-DIVDECONCONTROLSYSTEM Model DTCV DIVERTER SHOWER VALVEDECONTANKTO SANITARY SEWERFIGURE 1: TYPICAL DIVERTER SCHEMATICModel DTF How it WorksThe ParkUSA DeConTank is designed to hold or store specicvolumes of contaminated wastewater. The interior liner is designed to protect the tank from corrosion and degradation.Assessment of waste disposal is needed to comply with mostguidelines.Visit decontank.parkusa.com for more information and design assistance. To request a quote or catalog, visit request.parkusa.com.Model DTSAPPLICATIONSGood to useLaboratories Nuclear Industrial Medicalin BMPsFacilitiesFacilities'