b'LT ENGINEERINGCATALOGChlorinator: If the treated sewage needs further treatment, a chlorinator is employed to add small amounts of chlorine to the effluent. This chlorine will kill in remaining pathogens. The chlorinator is generally used for above ground disposal. The chlorinator uses chlorine tablets that are dissolved in the effluent flow stream.DESIGN CONSIDERATIONSA professional engineer or registered sanitarian should design the aerobic treatment system. Consult local andstate authorities for specific system requirements.All septic, pretreatment, aerobic plants, or pumps tanks manufactured by ParkUSA are constructed of quality precast concrete, Class I 4500 PSI@28 days. The tanks are constructed in conformance to ASTM C1227. Pre-casting theWastewater Systemsconcrete shell insures that all units achieve structural and physical uniformity. The units are structurally engineered for H-20 truck loading and can be buried without any need for any other structural protection. The unit is of monolithic construction at bottom to ensure against joint leakage.SIZINGSince this is a special product that requires coordination and careful review of different variables involved, it results complex to establish a standard chart with model and size. ParkUSA offers assistance with the complete design and specifications for this product.MAINTENANCEThe aerobic system unit should be inspected periodically for any accumulation that could occur during normal operation. In the unfortunate event of spill, the unit should immediately be serviced to remove hazardous material. When necessary, the unit should be pumped out by a licensed pumping company familiar with regulations regarding proper disposal.INFO@PARKUSA.COM|888-611-7275|WWW.PARKUSA.COM 439'