b'Applications Heliports/Helidecks General Aviation Commercial Municipal Offshore/MarineSystem BackgroundControl Panel New generation AFFF is generally Trench non-hazardous and biodegradableDrain according to the Interstate Diversion SOCMP Technology Regulatory Council. Valve Vault Sample Well However, the major concern is the Vent Drain large volume of foam solution that Vault to Sewer can be produced from hangar re protection systems. Because AFFF is biodegradable the breakdown by Drain bacteria consumes oxygen. Vault Uncontrolled AFFF discharge to the environment can deprive aquatic life of oxygen and cause sh kills.If allowed to enter wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) in large Holding volumes, AFFF can disrupt the Tank treatment process by killing necessary bacterial cultures within WWTPs. Many WWTPs prohibit the discharge of AFFF laden wastewater unless the AFFF concentration is less than 50 ppm. The AFFF wastewater holding tank can be used to store foam supply or drainage after discharge, and slowly release the spent foam into the sewer system.How it WorksUnder normal operations, wastewater discharge (due to wash andOther Modelsincidental spills) drains into the hanger oor drainage system. The wastewater is routed to an oil/water separator priorto discharging into the public sewer. In the event of a foam discharge (during system testing or a re event), the wastewater is automatically diverted to the foam containment tank. This foam-laden wastewater is safely contained until proper disposal.The FoamTrooper is a proven system to eliminate the environmental hazards of foam release.Visit foamtrooper.parkusa.com for more information and design assistance. To request a quote or catalog, visit request.parkusa.com.APPLICATIONSFlammable Storage Fueling Aircraft HelidecksMaintenanceFacilities DepotsHangar BaysFacilities'