b'STORMWATERCATALOG SIZING MAINTENANCEThe following sizing charts for the TrashTrooper interceptorA preventative maintenance cleanout schedule is theare based on the method of equivalent open areas, wheremost valuable tool for maintaining the proper operationthe cross-sectional area of the pipe is less than or equal toof ParkUSA Floatable Collection Screen. Maintenance the open area of the grate with the maximum anticipatedcosts are greatly reduced if a good housekeeping plan blinding. These charts should serve as a reference guide for the property is implemented i.e., trash pickup, lawn and are subject to change based on recommendation by maintenance, dumpster control, etc.the engineer of record.ParkUSA Floatable Collection Screen has no moving parts. A TrashTrooper should be sized based on the anticipatedParkUSA recommends inspection after any major stormamount of debris, but also on the surrounding vegetation.event and monthly inspections. Complete a Floatable Blinding of the screen can occur with the accumulationCollection Screen Maintenance Report after each of captured pollutant; however, leaves, branches, andinspection and maintain for inspections and water quality vegetation of the surrounding natural ecosystem canpermit renewals. Record and retain manifests of any also contribute to blinding. ParkUSA has provided twovacuum truck pump cleanings.sizing methods to take standard blinding and heavy blinding conditions into consideration. Standard blindingTypical maintenance procedures include:would take place on a site with minimal trees and other1.Monthly maintenance is advisable in heavy weather vegetation. Sites that are densely covered by trees andmonths and after any major storm event, using one inchother vegetation are considered heavy blinding areas. in 24 hours as a minimum guideline depending on non-structural controls of the site.The following charts are based on sizing of the Trash2. Observation and maintenance is best accomplished Trooper interceptor using a methodology of equivalentduring non-flow (dry weather) conditions 2-3 daysareas; the cross-sectional area of the pipethe open area ofafter the most recent rain.the grate w/the maximum anticipated blinding. This chart3. Observe for trash and debris and remove. It is is to be used as a reference only and is subject to changeparticularly important to remove large solids like wood based on recommendation by the Engineer of Record. or trash bags as well as maintain cleared grating. Failure Anticipated amount of debris is based on the amount ofto remove trash and debris could be problematic to surrounding vegitation in addition to the trash. ParkUSAentire stormwater system.has provided two options as a guideline. Standard blinding4. ParkUSA Floatable Collection Screen units are would apply for a site with minimal trees and otherdesigned based on the inlet/outlet pipe type and size. vegetation. SItes with dense tree cover and vegetationParkUSA recommends removal and cleaning of unit would fall under the heavy blinding category. when measurable pollutants reach 25 percent of pipe diameter. For example: If 48 inch HDPE pipe is utilized The open area of the sloped grate in the treated flow on the inlet of the Floatable Collection Screen cleaning area is assumed to be 92 percent of the total area of theshould occur when measurable solids reach 12 feet.grate. The bypass grate for the TTB-60, the sizes over 60"5. Shut access grate and secure. will utilize the 2" x " x 3" O.C. grate. Vacuum trucks are the most effective and safe methodSee table on following page. of cleaning sediment from the Floatable Collection Screen.78 INFO@PARKUSA.COM|888-611-7275|WWW.PARKUSA.COM'