b'STORMWATERCATALOGTesting of Park Environmental Equipment StormTrooper Interceptor _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1.0General Information StormTrooperDescription 1.1 ParkEnvironmentalhasbeenadesignerandmanufacturerofwastewater treatmentproductsforover20years.Withinthisperiod,manytypesof interceptorsystemshavebeenmanufacturedandfield-proven.Amongthese interceptors, several different types were designed for treating stormwater.Inresponsetoincreasingfederal,state,andlocalregulationsregarding stormwaterquality,ParkhasdevelopedtheStormTrooperInterceptor.The StormTrooperInterceptorisdesignedtoprovideeffectivetreatmentof stormwater runoff. TheStormTrooperInterceptorSystemoperatesbydivertingrunoffwitha properlysizedcontrolmanholethatdirectsflowthroughtheinterceptor. Subsequent flows beyond the rated capacity of the interceptor are bypassed into the stormwater sewer or receiving waters. 1.2Pollutants in Stormwater The stormwater being used in the test, will be created by adding pollutants to fresh water. The pollutants to be added for this test, are rationalized based on nationally conducted studies that have documented stormwater contents.TheEPANationwideUrbanRunoffProgram(NURP)hasestablishedthat stormwater from urban areas can contain significant concentrations of pollutants that adversely affect water quality in receiving streams (EPA-821-R-99-012). The EPA has recognized the following ten constituents as significant contributors to stormwater pollution: \x1f\x1e Total Suspended Solids (TSS) \x1f\x1e Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) \x1f\x1e Total Phosphorus (TP) \x1f\x1e Soluble Phosphorus (SP) \x1f\x1e Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) \x1f\x1e Nitrate + Nitrite (N) \x1f\x1e Total Copper (Cu) \x1f\x1e Total Lead (Pb) \x1f\x1e Total Zinc (Zn) Inadditiontoabovetencontaminants,petroleumhydrocarbonshavebeen identified for their acute toxicity at low concentrations (Schueler, 1987). Studies thatwereperformedbyShepp(1996),documentedamountsofpetroleum APPENDIX C hydrocarbons in stormwater. The StormTrooper test will include Oil & Grease as a contaminant in the stormwater.The initial concentration of contaminates introduced into the test stormwater is based on a Mixed Use of residential and commercial urban land use (EPA-841-S-83-109). - 3 - 8-5INFO@PARKUSA.COM|888-611-7275|WWW.PARKUSA.COM 349'