b'STORMWATERCATALOGTesting of Park Environmental Equipment StormTrooper Interceptor _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Particle Size Distribution Diameter (m)Percent (%wt) 4420% 8820% 17720% 30020% 60020% 1.4Test Stormwater Composition TheStormTroopertestwillrequireustosimulatestormwaterwitha predetermined amount of pollution. From the previous data, the stormwater will contain the following:TSSAt least 500 mg/l according to the particle distribution (PSD) Debris Nominal amounts of large size pollutants ( 1 cm dia) TPHFree oil with a sg=.85, concentration of at least 500 mg/l1.5Testing Team The testing of the StormTrooper Interceptor will be observed and certified by third party participants. All lab work will be performed by certified laboratory. The test team consists of the following organizations and individuals:Park Environmental Chris Eberly, P.E., Application Engineer Pat Schrum, Applications Specialist George Eberly, Technical Consultant Larry King, Applications TechnicianSevern Trent Laboratories Sean Sundquist Southwest Research Institute James Johnson 1.6Testing SummaryThis test design will be performed on two StormTrooper sizes, one cylindrical and one retangular.This testing will allow for accurately determining the removal efficiencies of TSS & TPH and the flow rates for StormTroopers.APPENDIX C The test performance criteria is based on the EPA established 80% TSS removal standard (EPA-840-B-92-002).The StormTrooper test will document the performance in meeting or exceeding this standard. - 5 - 8-7INFO@PARKUSA.COM|888-611-7275|WWW.PARKUSA.COM 351'