b'STORMWATERCATALOGExample: The residential lots are graded to drain into the street gutters, which discharge into various storm sewer inlets.The storm sewer discharges into the proposed dry detention basin, which drains east through a 60-inch CSP to West Creek (HCFCD Channel K100-00).West Creek is a tributary of Spring Creek (HCFCD Channel J100-00), which is a tributary of the West Fork San Jacinto River (HCFCD Channel G103-00).A site drainage map is depicted in Exhibit 2 . 5)Wetlands and Surface Waters Reference an exhibit identifying the location of any known jurisdictional areas, such as waters of the United States, including wetlands.Include a description of the jurisdictional area, including wetlands and surface waters Sampleon site. Example: West Creek (HCFCD Channel K100-00) is located along the eastern boundary of the property.No jurisdictional areas, including wetlands have been identified at this project site.These water features are identified inExhibit 2, Site Drainage Map . 6)Potential Pollutant Activities Reference an exhibit identifying the location of any activities that may generate pollutants and potential discharges to the storm drainage system.These locations may include but are not limited to hazardous materials treatment, storage, or disposal facilities, parking areas, and loading and unloading areas.The activities identified on the exhibit should identify any polluting activities that may be related to those activities described in Section 1-D.Include a list of activities and a description of the location of the activities based on the map.APPENDIX A Example: All activities associated with this development are typical to residential living.These activities include landscaping maintenance, house maintenance, and residential waste disposal.These activities will be located in the vicinity of each house.Other activities will be located in and around the dry detention basin, which include vegetative maintenance and occasionally, sediment removal.Potential pollutant activities are identified inExhibit 3, Potential Pollutant Activities and Minimum Control Measures Map . Visit swqmp.parkusa.com for your swqmp template.5 of 16 INFO@PARKUSA.COM|888-611-7275|WWW.PARKUSA.COM 287'