b'STORMWATERCATALOGEXAMPLEA common application is stormwater run-off from a 12 acre commercial building site. The stormwater run-off consistsof trace amounts of oil, litter, and road grime. Using the Rational Method, and an average Runoff Coefficient of C=.80,the treated flow rate is calculated:Formula:Multiply the number of Acres in theSolution:A city requires Stormwater following equation to obtain the treated flow rate: treatment of at least 80% of annual stormwater events; with Design Rainfall Intensity of I=.27Q GPM= AXCXIX449 Q GPM= AXCXIX449STSOTROMSRTWMOARWTMAEWT REA RTERINTINETRIECNRETCPEERTPOCTREOSPRTSORS:WHERE Q GPM= 12X.80X.27X449Q = Treated Flow Rate (gpm)A = Drainage Area (acres) Q GPM= 1162.9 GPM OR2.59 CFSC = Runoff CoefficientI = Design Rainfall Intensity This example recommends the 449 = conversion from cfs to gpm StormTrooper Model SWST-25C Rated for 1,375 gpm (or 3.08 cfs).MAINTENANCEThe frequency of cleaning at any given installation will vary depending on use. The StormTrooper stormwater interceptor should be cleaned (or pumped out) routinely to prevent the escape of appreciable quantities of detained pollutants. Sediment should be removed before accumulations effectively reduce storage capacity and detention time of the interceptor. Hydrocarbon-absorbing pillows, when used, should be properly disposed of and replaced when full.A professional pumping company familiar with regulations regarding proper disposal should pump out the interceptor.INFO@PARKUSA.COM|888-611-7275|WWW.PARKUSA.COM 41'