b'STORMWATERCATALOGFigure 1.The StormTrooper Stormwater Separator The StormTrooper Storm Water Treatment System utilizes Enhanced Gravity Separation.Enhanced Gravity Separation has been predominantly used in industrial applications of the separation of free oil and suspended solids from effluent water. Enhanced Gravity Separation is an improvement over gravity separation.Gravity separation is the phenomenon where a phase with higher density will settle and the phase with lower density will float to the surface of fluid. Enhanced Gravity Separation is achieved by utilizing CMP technology (coalescing media plates). CMP technology introduces multi layer separation which provides an extensive reduction in surface area and ultimately smaller separators.Surface area requirements are reduced according to the number of CMP plates utilized.The StormTrooper System makes it feasible to achieve high levels of separation not typically achieved by a larger surface area separator.Operation of StormTrooper Storm Water Treatment System Untreated storm water enters the first chamber of the unit known as the grit chamber.Larger particles, as well as semi-buoyant material, are captured in this chamber to prevent excessive clogging and obstruction of the frontal area of the coalescing media plates.This reduces the potential for short circuiting and higher velocities through the plates.The diffusion baffle, which separates the two chambers, works to perform two vital functions.First, it distributes flow evenly through the entire cross-section of the unit allowing for a more uniform delivery of pollutants through the plate.Next, a water quality orifice regulates flow through the plates and lower section of unit to prevent re-suspension of pollutants.Each StormTrooper has a specific maximum flow rate that has been pre-calibrated.Higher flow rates by-pass the system once the pre-calibrated flow rates are exceeded.11-30374 INFO@PARKUSA.COM|888-611-7275|WWW.PARKUSA.COM'