b'STORMWATERCATALOGExample: The development is a 20-acre single-family residential development consisting of 36 houses.All activities associated with this development are typical to residential households.These activities generally include landscaping maintenance, house maintenance, and residential waste disposal.Sanitary waste is transferred via sanitary sewer lines to an offsite wastewater treatment plant, which is operated by ( Name ).There is a master drainage plan for the development that includes a dry detention basin.The dry detention basin will be regularly maintained.The maintenance activities for the dry detention basin generally include vegetative management and sediment removal.There is no Standard Industrial Classification Code for single-family residential homes. E.NPDES or TPDES Permit for Storm Water Discharges from Construction Activities SampleDescribe how the site will have a permit for water discharges from construction activities. Example:A Notice of Intent (NOI) to obtain coverage under an ( NPDES or TPDES ) storm water general permit for construction activities has been submitted and a permit number received.The NOI has been included into this document inAppendix A .F.Total Site Area and Affected Area Provide the acreage of the property and the acreage that will be affected by the project.Example: APPENDIX A The total site area of the proposed development is 20 acres.The entire 20 acres will be affected by the development. orThe acreage of the property is 20 acres, of which 10 will be affected by the development. Visit swqmp.parkusa.com for your swqmp template.3 of 16 INFO@PARKUSA.COM|888-611-7275|WWW.PARKUSA.COM 285'