b'STORMWATERCATALOGSTORMTROOPER CERTIFICATIONS SUMMARYThe StormTrooper has undergone extensive testing aquifer and water sources to the aquifer, including uplands and is patented. Appendix B includes copies of theareas draining directly to it and surface streams. Includedcorresponding patents. Appendix C includes the third-partyin the document Complying with the Edwards Aquifer testing results for particle removal efficiencies that wasRules Technical Guidance on Best Management Practicescompleted by Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) in (Revised July 2005) is a list of TCEQ Edwards Aquifer San Antonio. Protection Program approved Best Management Practices allowed over the Edwards Aquifer. The StormTrooper AQTitle 30 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 213 has received TCEQ Approval of Innovative Technology.(RG-348), known as Edwards Aquifer rules, address See Appendix D for the language from the Addendumactivities that could pose a threat to water quality in theSheet verifying the StormTrooper inclusion.Edwards Aquifer, including wells and springs fed by the 52 INFO@PARKUSA.COM|888-611-7275|WWW.PARKUSA.COM'