b'STORMWATERCATALOGThe property is leased to:(if applicable) Company Name Person to Contact Address Phone Number C.New Development or Redevelopment Description Describe the intent and scope of the project.Include as many details as needed to completely describe the development.This may include type of structures that will be built, types of infrastructure, types of existing development, acreage of the new development and existing development, . etc. Example: This project consists of the construction of a 20-acre new development of Samplesingle-family residential homes.This will include the construction of underground utilities, streets, paving, 36 one or two story houses, landscaping, and a dry detention basin. D.Activities Describe all of the activities at the developed site.The description should delineate the use of the land, buildings, and/or structures and the general tasks or services performed by the occupant.If applicable, include the Standard Industrial Classification Codes.Possible activities may include but are not limited to the following. \x1f\x1e Bulk liquid storage \x1f\x1e Bulk materials storage \x1f\x1e Landscaping activities \x1f\x1e Fertilizer storage and/or use \x1f\x1e Chemical storage and/or use (Herbicides, Pesticides, Cleaners, Solvents, . etc.) \x1f\x1e Loading and unloading of liquids and materials \x1f\x1e Vehicle / equipment / machinery repair and/or maintenance \x1f\x1e Metal work \x1f\x1e Chemical production \x1f\x1e Water and/or wastewater treatment \x1f\x1e Wood / lumber storage and/or product fabrication \x1f\x1e Building and structural maintenance \x1f\x1e Parking lots \x1f\x1e Vehicle / equipment / machinery storage \x1f\x1e Vehicle / equipment washing Visit swqmp.parkusa.com for your swqmp template.2 of 16 284 INFO@PARKUSA.COM|888-611-7275|WWW.PARKUSA.COM'