b'STORMWATERCATALOGDESIGN CONSIDERATIONSAs a flow-based BMP, the StormTrooper is designed usingThe characteristics of the catchment area are defined as the treatment flow rate for the site, using the Rationaleffective area. The effective area is the number of acres Method. The runoff rate from the tributary area draining to a single treatment unit and is calculated usingis calculated using: the following equation:Q = CIA EA = (Ai * 0.9) + (Ap * 0.03)Where: Where:Q = flow rate (ft3/s) EA = Effective area (acres)C = runoff coefficient for the tributary area Ai = Impervious area (acres)I = design rainfall intensity (1.1 in/hr) Ap = Pervious area (acres)A = drainage area (ac)StormTrooper models can be selected from Table below The runoff coefficient is calculated as the weightedthat will achieve an 80 percent TSS reduction at the average of the impervious and pervious areas. Runoffcorresponding effective areas shown. The StormTrooper coefficient for impervious areas is assumed to be 0.90 Model SWAQ system for the Edwards Aquifer is designed and the runoff coefficient for pervious areas is assumedusing the overflow rates. These were calculated based on to be 0.03. The overflow rate (hydraulic loading rate) isthe surface area of the vault alone and a rainfall intensitycalculated using: of 1.1 in/hr.VOR = Q/AWhere:SIZINGVOR = overflow rate (ft/s) In the below table, the current model and sizes for the Q = runoff rate calculated with using first equation (ft3/s) StormTrooper AQ are shown.A = surface area of unit (ft2)The overflow rate can then be used with Table to determine the StormTrooper unit that provides the desired TSS removal. The StormTrooper system is available in several models.STORMTROOPER AQ SIZESTOTALDIMENSIONSMAXMODEL OVER FLOWSURFACE AREA)OUTSIDE DIMENSIONS( EFFECTIVE RATE GPM )FT2( LENGTH WIDTH HEIGHT AREA )ACRES(SWAQ-05 420 100 7\'-10" 4\'-4" 7\'-0" 0.13SWAQ-10 600 149 8\'-8" 5\'-0" 7\'-0" 0.20SWAQ-20 1,000 248 11\'-0" 6\'-0" 7\'-6" 0.33SWAQ-25 1,440 369 13\'-0" 7\'-0" 8\'-0" 0.50SWAQ-40 2,250 588 16\'-0" 8\'-6" 8\'-0" 0.79SWAQ-70 2,270 730 18\'-0" 9\'-0" 6\'-10" 0.98SWAQ-110 4,000 913 21\'-2" 11\'-2" 6\'-10" 1.2360 INFO@PARKUSA.COM|888-611-7275|WWW.PARKUSA.COM'