b'STORMWATERCATALOG COALESCING MEDIA PACK INFORMATIONAs the oil/water/solids mixture travels through the plates,oil rises to the top and solids drop to the bottom throughdedicated surfaces and weep holes. Plate supports at the bottom allow for easy removal of the solids that collect beneath the plates. And because of the steep angles and short travel distances, oils and solids are quickly released, making the media virtually self-cleaning.Whether youre dealing with rainwater run-off, groundwater remediation, coolant tramp oil removal, or oil and grease removal from wash down and maintenance STSOTROMSRTWMOARWTMAEWT REA RTERINTINETRIECNRETCPEERTPOCTREOSPRTSORSareas, StormTrooper Stormwater Interceptors and Park Oil/Water Separators can meet your needs ranging in size from 1 gpm to as large as 20,000 gpmor larger as required.ParkUSA application engineers are available to help you design stormwater and oil/water separator systems that not only meet regulatory requirements, but are cost-effective as well. And, through the Facet proprietary computer simulation process. The Mpak Quality Prediction Program, we quickly and accurately predict your effluent quality based on your influent conditionsguaranteed!STOKES LAW Like all gravity separators, Parks performance V R @ 68F = 9/18(wo) D 2where: prediction is based on Stokes Law. The formula on the left represents the physical law governing the V R =rising velocity of the oil droplet in cm/sec. rise rate of an oil droplet in a fluid stream.g=gravity constant (980 cm/sec 2 )=viscosity of water in poises (about 0.01) Capture Efficiency: Oil droplet capture is maximizedw=densities (gm/cm3) or specific gravities of by the closely spaced (1/4") Mpak polypropylened water and oil plates. For perspective, a 20-micron oil droplet takes 0D=diameter of the oil droplet in cm 38 minutes to rise 3" or 9.5 minutes. By rising only1/4" before being captured on the oleophilic(oil attractive) undersurface plate, separation isvery efficient in the coalescing media pack compartment (CMP). Calculated Performance: Park uses a Mpak propietary computer-modeling program, which utilizes Stokes Law, droplet size distribution, particle rise (TSS), and other relevant input to make accurate performance predictions.INFO@PARKUSA.COM|888-611-7275|WWW.PARKUSA.COM 43'