b'FEATURESWide range of models and capacities availableCustomizable design to adaptto jobsite configurationPrepacked system for easy installation Oil removal throughan engineered coalescing mediaSimple maintenanceCoating options available for different environmental conditionsLow and high flow capabilitiesMODELSThere are various models available for the ParkUSA StormTrooper, depending on location andproject needs:GENERAL INFORMATION Model SWST: square separator,The ParkUSA StormTrooper model SWST is a product designed to removeup to 15000 gallons capacity.sediments and oil from stormwater runoff. The unit consists of a control manhole connected to a separator unit (Model SWST, which can have either a circular or rectangular separator box) or just a separator unit with a flow control system inside of it (SWAQ). Both models are patented and comply with many regulations and performance tests.Stormwater runoff from urban areas carries pollutants and trash into the storm drainage system. Unlike sanitary sewer systems, stormwater typically receives Model SWST-C: cylindrical no treatment. Polluted stormwater eventually drains into public waterways, rivers,separator, up to 6000 gallons aquifers, lakes, and oceans. The pollution can contain significant amounts of oils capacity.and sediment from impervious areas, which could be harmful to the environment, both biologically and aesthetically.Although dramatic improvements have been made to the nations waters, degraded bodies of water still exist. Approximately 40 percent of surveyed U.S. bodies of water are impaired by pollution and do not meet current water quality standards. A leading source of this impairment is polluted runoff.Model SWAQ: unit with control Most stormwater discharges are considered nonpoint sources and requiremanholes absentthe flow coverage by an EPA NPDES permit. The primary method to control stormwatercontrol system is inside the unit. discharge is through the use of Best Management Practices (BMP). This model is designed for use inthe Edwards Aquifer, meetingall regulations and requirements.38'