b'System ComponentsThe BioBasin is designed withthe following components: High oil sensor Filter maintenance sensor Removable lter screen Service alert panel noties ofclogged lter with audible andvisual alarm Basket lid for grate inlet optionHow it WorksThe BioBasin basin is outtted with a textile boom. Floatingpollutants are detained by an absorbent oating boom with anintegral lower skirt portion comprised of fabric tendrils hanging beneath the boom. Water enters the structure from an inlet device, such as a grate or curb inlet, and is temporarily detained in the structure. Fluid is required to pass through the treatment fabric, which is submerged below the water level.Floatable trash, sediment, and hydrocarbons are retained in the unit. The BioBasin includes a high oil sensing unit and a lterservice alert. The service alert panel noties of a clogged lterby means of an audible and visual alarm.Visit biobasin.parkusa.com for more information and design assistance. To request a quote or catalog, visit request.parkusa.com.APPLICATIONSGreenParking Lots Low ImpactCommercialInfrastructure Streets & HighwaysDevelopment INFO@PARKUSA.COM|888-611-7275|WWW.PARKUSA.COM 71'