b'STORMWATERCATALOGTesting of Park Environmental Equipment StormTrooper Interceptor _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.3MixingPort-TheMixingPortisastationtoallowfortheintroductionof pollutants. The station consists of a bin with a 1 hand-operated ball valve at the bottom. Pollutants will be introduced into the flow stream by opening the valve #VMP. At the commencement of the test, the pollutants will be dosed into the flow stream at the Mixing Port. The pollutants will be dosed into the flow stream throughout the full duration of the test.4.4Control Manhole - The Control Manhole is the first stage of the StormTrooperInterceptor System. The control manhole regulates flow rate from the influent stormwaterstreamintotheInterceptorstageofthesystem.Underlowto moderate flow, the flow stream is directed into the interceptor. During excessively highflowrates,theflowstreamisby-passedovertheby-passweirtothe manhole discharge. This bypassed water is not treated by the interceptor. The stormwater by-pass method is an industry recognized method of regulating theflowrateintoastormwaterinterceptor.Excessiveflowratesthroughthe interceptorbeyondtheratedcapacitieswillcauseadverseaffectsinthe interceptor from improper treatment to scouring of retained pollutants from the interceptor. The low to moderate flow rates have been proven to contain the majority of pollutants from a given site. 4.5Sample Port #B - Sample Port #B consist of an 8 Tee fitting with a ball valve on the bottom of the piping. Samples from this port will be analyzed on each test run to determine the Effluent water quality after treatment of the interceptor.4.5.1Taking a SampleFour samples will be taken during each test run. To insure a complete change-out through the interceptor, the samples will bestagedduringintervalsafterthecommencementofthetest,at different multiples of the Test Duration Td Sample #1 @ T dx 1.0(e.g. 6 min x 1.0 = 6.00 min) Sample #2 @ T dx 1.5(e.g. 6 min x 1.5 = 9.00 min) Sample #3 @ T dx 2.0(e.g. 6 min x 2.0 = 12.00 min) Sample #4 @ T dx 2.5(e.g. 6 min x 2.5 = 15.00 min) Sample #5 @ T dx 3.0(e.g. 6 min x 3.0 = 18.00 min) To take a sample, first blow-down any accumulated debris by opening valve for 3 seconds then closing. Next position a new sample bottle under this valve and fill. Close bottle and label.4.5.2Effluent Water Quality DeterminationThe water samples taken from this sample port will be lab analyzed for water quality. The samples will be averaged to determine the Effluent Water Quality. APPENDIX C 4.6Interceptor Model ST-08 - The Interceptor model ST-08, is a rectangular design, 800 gallon capacity with the inlet & outlet on opposing ends of the interceptor. Thelocationoftheinlet/outletwillvaryaccordingtotheapplication,andan alternate location will be on the same side. This Interceptor will be tested at (3) different flow rates: 100, 200, & 300 gpm.- 11 - 8-13INFO@PARKUSA.COM|888-611-7275|WWW.PARKUSA.COM 357'