b'STORMWATERCATALOGControl AccessManhole CrateInletDebrisScreenInfluent UntreatedStormwaterSTSOTROMSRTWMOARWTMAEWT REA RTERINTINETRIECNRETCPEERTPOCTREOSPRTSORSCoalesingOutlet Media PackEffluent UntreatedStormwaterLow Flow: InterceptorHigh Flow:OPERATIONThe function of the StormTrooper stormwater interceptorbottom. The remaining oily water mixture flows through model SWST is to intercept free oils/solids and retain themthe second chamber. Both the smaller oil droplets and for periodic removal. The StormTrooper interceptor isthe finer TSS are progressively separated. Coalescing designed to treat a finite amount of stormwater, typicallymedia is used to separate significant concentrations of sized for the initial flow rate of a storm event. Most studieshydrocarbons. In the final stage, effluent is discharged have shown that the pollutants are found in this first- at the bottom of the interceptor, preventing collected flush stormwater discharge. pollutants from entering the outlet piping. Collected oils and solids remain in the interceptor until removal.Stormwater runoff can range from low to very high flow rates. A high flow rate can be detrimental to a stormwaterSYSTEM COMPONENTSinterceptor in that excessive flows tend to scour (stir up)The StormTrooper consists of a control manhole the retained pollutants from the previous storm event. connected to a separator unit to remove debris (TSS) and The StormTrooper controls high flow rates by utilizinghydrocarbons from stormwater.a control manhole, which is engineered to divert the designed flow rate of stormwater through the interceptor The control manhole shall tie directly into the storm while bypassing high flows to the storm sewer. sewer line by means of a connection as specified in section ASTM C923. The control manhole shall contain a Low Flow: Stormwater runoff flows into the inlet of thecast weir wall to divert flow through the separator unit control manhole. Stormwater is then diverted from thefor treatment of the first flush. The weir wall shall have bypass weir to the interceptor. The stormwater debris,a trash screen attached to retain large debris when the oils, and sediments are filtered and separated. The flowunit is under standard flow conditions.is discharged via the outlet of the control manhole to the The separator unit shall be connected to the control Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4). manhole by means of a flexible resilient rubber boot. The High Flow: Stormwater runoff flows into the inlet of theunit shall maintain a minimum separation of 36 inches control manhole. During high flow conditions, stormwaterbetween the control manhole and the separator unit.rises over the bypass weir and is discharged via the outlet of the control manhole to the MS4. Trash is collected in theThe separator unit shall contain a prefabricated corrugated control manhole debris screen. plate for intermittent and variable flows of water, oil, or any combination of non-emulsified oil-water mixtures Treated Stormwater: As water enters the treatmentranging from zero-flow up to one hundred percent of the chamber of the interceptor, trash and light debris aremaximum hydraulic capacity. This will allow the separator filtered through a screen; heavy oils immediately rise tounit to maintain an acceptable water effluent.the surface, while total suspended solids (TSS) sink to the INFO@PARKUSA.COM|888-611-7275|WWW.PARKUSA.COM 39'