b'STORMWATERCATALOG1)Waste Materials Address any non-structural controls for waste materials that are being implemented as a BMP for the project.These may include but are not limited to litter control and proper solid waste disposal practices. Example: Homeowners will be given information on proper handling of household solid waste.Solid waste materials should be stored in a trashcan with a functional lid or kept under cover.The trashcans are placed on the curbside twice a week ( or insert applicable pickup frequency ) for pickup by a licensed waste management provider where it will be taken to an approved landfill for disposal. 2)Hazardous Waste SampleAddress any non-structural controls for hazardous waste that are being implemented as a BMP for the project.These controls may include but are not limited to household hazardous materials storage/disposal, fueling station practices, and materials loading, unloading, and storage practices. Example: Homeowners will be given information on proper storage and disposal of household hazardous materials. 3)Sanitary Waste Address any non-structural controls for sanitary materials that are being implemented as a BMP for the project.These controls may include but are not limited to connection to sanitary sewer or septic system. Example: All residential homes in the subdivision are connected to a sanitary sewer that drains to ( name of MUD ) treatment facilities.The ( name of facility ) is located offsite at ( address ). 4)Landscaping Practices / Fertilizer and Pesticide Practices Address any non-structural controls for landscaping practices.These controls may include but are not limited to use of native or low maintenance vegetation, mowing practices, and proper application of fertilizers and pesticides. Visit swqmp.parkusa.com for your swqmp template.8 of 16 290 INFO@PARKUSA.COM|888-611-7275|WWW.PARKUSA.COM'