b'STORMWATERCATALOG B.Structural Controls Example: Monthly Inspections Visual inspections of the dry detention basin and litter control net will be performed by ( Name ) once a month and after rainfall events of 1 inch or more in a 24-hour period.An inspection form will be filled out by the person(s) performing the inspection and filed at ( Location ).The form will include the following information: \x1f\x1e Inspectors name, address, and qualifications. \x1f\x1e Description of any litter and/or debris present in the basin. \x1f\x1e Description of any vegetative and/or erosion Samplemaintenance needed in the basin. \x1f\x1e Description of any structural failures and/or m intenance needed \x1f\x1e The date, any maintenance or repairs that have been performed since the last inspection, whether there is any standing water in the basin, the amount of rain produced in the last rainfall event, and the period of time since that event. C.Annual Inspection Report Example: 1.Annual inspections of the residential area and dry detention basin will be performed by ( Name ).An inspection report will be written and filed at ( Location ).The report will be written to assess the effectiveness of all current control measures, non-structural and structural, and identify any changes that need to be made to the SWQMP to better control pollutants.The report will include the APPENDIX A following information: \x1f\x1e Inspectors name, address, and qualifications. \x1f\x1e Status of proper litter control (trash receptacles have secure lids or under cover) \x1f\x1e Status of proper landscaping, fertilizer, and pesticide practices \x1f\x1e Status of inlet stenciling (inlet marker) repair \x1f\x1e Status of public education practices based on documentation and attached materials (e.g., brochures, flyers, etc.) Visit swqmp.parkusa.com for your swqmp template.15 of 16 INFO@PARKUSA.COM|888-611-7275|WWW.PARKUSA.COM 297'