b'STORMWATERCATALOG G.Site and Vicinity Maps and Associated Information 1)Vicinity Map Reference an exhibit for general location of the project site.Include a description of the location based on the map. Example: The site location is in the northwestern part of Harris County.Specifically, the site is at the corner of W. Main Road and Addicks Drive on the northern side of W. IH 10 and Addicks Reservoir ( Provide street address if applicable. ).The site location is identified inExhibit 1, Vicinity Map .Sample2)Areas of Development Reference an exhibit identifying areas of development.Include a description of the areas to be developed. Example: The current project will develop a 20-acre single-family residential area with a dry detention basin as a storm water quality and flood control feature.The 20-acre tract is located in the western section of the ( subdivision name ) subdivision.The areas of development are identified inExhibit 2, Site Drainage Map . 3)Areas Not to be Developed Reference an exhibit identifying any areas that are not to be developed.Describe any pertinent structures or land that are not to be developed.Note structures that are to remain as they exist at the present time. Example: The current project will preserve a portion of the site on the southeastern boundary as undeveloped.The area not to be developed is identified as Reserve A inExhibit 2, Site Drainage Map . 4)Drainage Areas Reference an exhibit identifying drainage areas for the project site.Identify the acreage, patterns, and approximate slopes anticipated after development.Visit swqmp.parkusa.com for your swqmp template.4 of 16 286 INFO@PARKUSA.COM|888-611-7275|WWW.PARKUSA.COM'