b'STORMWATERCATALOG Example: Homeowners will be responsible for maintaining their private property; however, good management practices for lawn and garden will be provided to educate residence on pollutant reducing practices and alternatives.The dry detention basin is vegetated with native species of plants.Fertilizers and herbicides will be applied only when necessary and in accordance with manufactures specifications.The basin is mowed once every six months ( or insert applicable frequency ) or as needed. 5)Other Address any non-structural controls not elsewhere classified that are being implemented as a BMP for the project.These controls may include but are Samplenot limited to vehicle/equipment cleaning practices, spill prevention and response plan, and inlet stenciling (inlet marker). Example: Inlets in the residential area are stenciled to identify the inlet as a storm drain that drains to West Creek (HCFCD Channel K100-00) and to discourage dumping of waste into the inlet. B.Structural Controls In this section, identify and describe every structural control that is to be constructed at the site and how it will be used.These controls may be subcategorized into storm water quality basins, infiltration/filtration facility, catchment facility, vegetative practices, low impact development, and others.Refer to the Storm Water Quality Management Guidance Manual, Storm Water Management Handbook for Construction Activities, and Minimum Design Criteria for Implementation of Certain Best Management Practices for Storm APPENDIX A Water Runoff Treatment Options for additional information on structural controls.Possible structural controls may include but are not limited to the following: \x1f\x1e Dry Basins \x1f\x1e Wet Ponds \x1f\x1e Dual Use Flood Control/Water Quality Basin \x1f\x1e Constructed Wetlands \x1f\x1e Infiltration / Filtration Facilities \x1f\x1e Oil / Grit Separators \x1f\x1e Grass Swales \x1f\x1e Vegetated Filter Strips \x1f\x1e Low Impact Development \x1f\x1e Porous Pavement \x1f\x1e Bioretention Visit swqmp.parkusa.com for your swqmp template.9 of 16 INFO@PARKUSA.COM|888-611-7275|WWW.PARKUSA.COM 291'