b'STORMWATERCATALOG 5)Other Address structural controls not elsewhere classified that are being implemented as a BMP for the project. Example: Litter Control A litter control net will be placed on the inlet pipe of the detention basin to collect trash and debris.The net detaches from the pipe once it is filled and is anchored to the ground until the litter can be removed.Additional trash pickup will be performed as needed.These control measures will help to prevent litter from becoming a source of floatables.The litter control net will be inspected once a month (or insert applicable frequency) for litter removal.Any litter Samplecollected is brought to an approved landfill for disposal. 3.Maintenance Plan Describe procedures and qualified personnel to assure the timely maintenance of the control measures identified in Section 2.Maintenance requirements must be discussed for each control individually.Reference a table that schedules all maintenance activities for all BMPs. Example: The following maintenance and inspection requirements will be performed for the identified BMPs used on the property.Table A-1 in Appendix A schedules all maintenance activities on the site and will be used to insure regular and timely maintenance for structural measures.A.Non-Structural Controls Example:APPENDIX A Litter Control 1.Homeowners will be responsible for maintaining any trash receptacles or other materials that are needed for proper management of household waste materials.The trash will be picked up twice a week by a licensed waste management provider.Packets of information on proper storage and handling of waste materials will be provided by ( Name ) to homeowners.The packets of information will include: \x1f\x1e Control litter from becoming floatables Visit swqmp.parkusa.com for your swqmp template.11 of 16 INFO@PARKUSA.COM|888-611-7275|WWW.PARKUSA.COM 293'