b'STORMWATERCATALOG \x1et \x1f 24 hours \x1eH \x1fthe maximum storage depth of the basin, feet \x1eH \x1f d wq0.5 \x1d 0.83 ac \x1c ft \x1d 43560 ft 2A p \x1f acre \x1f 4.15 in 2120.3\x1d 24 hr 2.30 ftExample5.Calculate the maximum diameter of the pipe to be used to have the needed perforated area. D \x1f 4 \x1d A p \x1f 4 \x1d 4.15 in 2 \x1f 2.3 in\x1b \x1bUse a 2-inch PVC pipe to retain the storm water quality volume for the required length of time.6.Calculate the number of holes required in the riser. 0.5 in. diameter = 0.19635 sq. in. area 1.0 in. diameter = 0.7854 sq. in. area A h \x1f Area of the desired hole size Choose the desired hole size. N 0.5 \x1f Number of 0.5 in. holes required\x1f A pA hAPPENDIX A N 0.5 \x1f A p \x1f 4.15 in 2 2 \x1f 21.11 holesA h 0.19635 inN 1.0 \x1f A p \x1f 4.15 in 2 2 \x1f 5.28 holesA h 0.7854 inPlace 210.5 inch holes or 51.0 inch holes in the riser. C - 2 INFO@PARKUSA.COM|888-611-7275|WWW.PARKUSA.COM 323'