b'WEIRSFeatures Customizable outlet orice prole Monitoring devices available Easy-to-install pre-assembled vaultHow It WorksAt its simplest, a weir is no more than an obstruction placed in a channel over which water ows. The obstruction is a specially shaped notch or opening set above the oor of the channel. Weirs can be used for ow restriction and/or measuring ow. The ow rate over a weir is determined by measuring the liquid depth in the pool upstream of the weir.WeirsStormwater runoff can be overwhelming to a stormwater drainage system if a large area is being drained to one discharge location. It is often benecial to temporarily detain large amounts of runoff in a pond or other detention structure by installing a storm-water weir at the outlet. Weirs retain uid using a bafe with area openings, which are calculated and designed to restrict outlet ow rates based on the level of the uid, or head pressure.#BUILDING AMERICA!FLY FOAMTROOPER UNISW VeWrsion EIRS2.2StandardAPPLICATIONSCommercial Municipal Industrial Low Impact Development196 INFO@PARKUSA.COM|888-611-7275|WWW.PARKUSA.COMStormwater Weirs'