b'STORMWATERCATALOGSeptember 7, 2012 Chris Eberly, P.E. ParkUSA (Park Environmental Equipment Company, LTD) 7015 Fairbanks N. Houston Houston, TX 77040 Re:Surveillance of Tests Conducted on Representative StormTrooper Interceptor Model SWAQ_15, SwRI Project No.08.58999 Mr. Eberly, This will summarize my trip to our manufacturing facilities in Houston, Texas, on May 18 th , 2010, to witness tests on representative StormTrooperInterceptor Model SWST_15.The interceptor was subjected to tests described in the attached test protocol titled Testing Procedure of StormTrooperStorm Water Interceptor, dated April 2010. Verification testing was completed on a W8 x L5 x D5 SWST_15 Storm Water Interceptor.The StormTrooperInterceptor System was tested in accordance with the Edwards Aquifer Innovative Technology and NJDEP testing protocol for Storm Water Treatment Devices.The guideline requires, at a minimum, documentation showing the capture efficiency of particles ranging from 1 to 1000 microns, for five (5) flows, at an average concentration of 200 mg/l per flow.The test matrix was expanded to include suspended sediment concentration (SSC) and Particle Size Distribution (PSD) analysis.Table 1 shows the results of the SSC analysis for tests ran withspaced coalescing plates and without coalescing plates. Table 1.Interceptor Collection Efficiency StormTrooperFlowrateRemoval Eff.Removal Eff. Model(gpm)w/o Platesw/ Plates SWAQ_1520028%51% SWAQ_1540020%35% SWAQ_1560022%32% SWAQ_1580021%26% SWAQ_15100021%24% 368 INFO@PARKUSA.COM|888-611-7275|WWW.PARKUSA.COM'