b'STORMWATERCATALOG \x1f\x1e Additional visits for litter removal may be needed if trash accumulation becomes excessive. \x1f\x1e Litter will be removed from the dry detention basin and the litter control nets will be inspected before rain events to prevent floatables from continuing downstream of the basin. Consult theStorm Water Quality Management Guidance Manualfor addition guidance for litter control. 4.Inspection Plan Describe procedures and qualified personnel to assure the timely inspection of the control measures identified in Section 2.Inspection requirements must be discussed for each control individually. SampleExample: The following inspection requirements will be performed for the identified control measures used on the property.A.Non-Structural Controls Example: Visual inspections of the residential area will be performed by ( Name ) every ( frequency ).An inspection form will be filled out by the person(s) performing the inspection and filed at ( Location ).The form will include the inspectors name, address, and qualifications.The residential area will be inspected for the following: \x1f\x1e Proper litter control (e.g., trash receptacles have secure lids or under cover) \x1f\x1e Proper landscaping, fertilizer, and pesticide practices \x1f\x1e Inlet stenciling (inlet marker) repair The inspector will note the date that any maintenance or repairs have been performed since the last inspection.Blank inspection checklists can be found inAppendix B .( Name ) will also be responsible for following up on residents complaints, which are pertinent to the SWQMP.Public education will continue to be provided to residents on proper waste and household hazardous materials storage and disposal, landscaping practices, and fertilizer and pesticide practices.Public outreach performed specifically for the ( subdivision name ) subdivision will be properly documented by ( Name ) and filed at ( Location ). Visit swqmp.parkusa.com for your swqmp template.14 of 16 296 INFO@PARKUSA.COM|888-611-7275|WWW.PARKUSA.COM'