b'STORMWATERCATALOGTesting of Park Environmental Equipment StormTrooper Interceptor _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Flow Rate Charts (Table 1) to determine the flow rate. Use the 50 & 100 Gallon charts to fine-tune the flow rate. Repeat this procedure until the desired flow rate is obtained. 4.3SurgeTank-TheSurgeTankisaprecastconcretetankwithacapacityofapproximately750gallons.Thistankwillnormalizethepumpedflowfromthe reserve tank to the control manhole. The flow is gravity flow to simulate natural stormwater runoff. Slight variations in water level in this tank will occur due to water turbulence. 4.4Sample Port #A - This sample port consist of an 8 Tee fitting with a ball valve on the bottom of the piping. Samples from this port will be analyzed on each test run to determine the water quality prior to adding additional pollutants. 4.4.1Taking a SampleA Sample will be taken prior to each test run. To take a sample, first blow-down any accumulated debris by opening valve for 3seconds then closing.Next positionanew samplebottleunderthis valve and fill. Close bottle and label.4.4.2Influent Water Quality DeterminationThe water sample taken from this sample port will determine the baseline water quality prior to adding additional pollutants. The actual Influent Water Quality will be determined by mathematically calculating the added pollutants to the baseline water condition. 4.4.3Influent Water Quality Determination Example: In testing the 600 gallon capacity Interceptor for a flow rate of 100 GPM, the test will run for (1) full change-out of the interceptor capacity. The test duration T dis calculated;T d = 600 gallons/100 GPM = 6 minutesAt the commencement of the test, the pollutants will be dosed into the flow streamattheMixingPort.Thepollutantswillbedosedintotheflowstream throughout the full duration of the test, in this case 6 minutes.Theconcentrationofpollutantsintroducedduringthetestcyclewillbe predetermined and the amount of pollutants will be calculated;For 600 gallons of flow and 500 mg/l TSS MPthe amount of pollutants to be added is calculated to be 3,402 grams (7.50 lbs) Assuming that the baseline sample from Sample Port #A was lab analyzed to contain50mg/lTSS A theresultinginfluentwaterconditioniscalculatedby adding the two samples together:TSS A +TSS MP = TSS Influent- 10 - 8-12356 INFO@PARKUSA.COM|888-611-7275|WWW.PARKUSA.COM'